Salvatore Scifo
Salvatore Scifo is a Deputy Head of Department of Communication of Journalism at the Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University (United Kingdom). He has published a series of articles and book chapters on British Community Radio and European Community Media. He is the current vice chair of the ECREA Radio and Sound Section (former Radio Research Section) (2018–present), and a former chair (2012–13) and steering group member (2016–19) of the MeCCSA Radio Studies Network. Salvatore is also an International Editorial Board member of the Journal of Radio and Audio Media (Taylor & Francis). He has been an invited speaker on British community radio to events as the 10th International Radio Biennale (Mexico City, 2014, keynote) and RadioDays Europe (Berlin, 2013). Among his most recent work, as a co-author, is the 2018 report Spaces of Inclusion – An Explorative Study on Needs of Refugees and Migrants in the Domain of Media Communication and on Responses by Community Media for the Council of Europe.